Hiya Premium is our new subscription service that complements our free offering without taking away the core free features that our users have come to love and rely on.
What do users get on Hiya Premium?
Premium users will enjoy:
- The ability to automatically block Nuisance (telemarketer etc.) and Scam and Fraud calls and send them to voicemail.
- Reverse lookup of numbers belonging to individual people.* You can now do a reverse search for number without having the number on the call log.
- Ability to identify numbers that belong to individual people. Lookups for numbers that belong to individual people will only be available for Hiya Premium users.*
Users will be able to sign up for a 7 day free trial, after which they will be automatically subscribed at the monthly or yearly plan selected.
*This only applies for users not in Europe. Users in Europe won't be able to identify numbers belonging to individual people, even on Premium.
What about free users?
Free users will continue to receive incoming call Nuisance and Fraud detection and alerts.
Free users will also still have access to all of the spoof and blocking protection settings in the block list. Including the ability to block by country code, area code, or prefix.
Free users will also continue to enjoy caller IDs and unlimited free lookups for Nuisance and Fraud numbers as well as numbers that we know belong to a business. (There will be some business numbers that we do not yet know are businesses.)
Lookups for numbers that belong to individual people will only be available for Hiya Premium users.*
*This only applies for users not in Europe. Users in Europe won't be able to identify numbers belonging to individual people, even on Premium.
Why isn't Hiya blocking spam calls after I subscribe to Premium?
You will need to make sure and change your settings to block after subscribing to Premium. Go to the Setting tab in the bottom right corner then tap on "Call Settings." Make sure to change Scam and Nuisance calls to block.
Why don't I have access to Premium features after subscribing?
In the our app go to the premium tab. Then scroll down and tap on the option to "restore purchases."
If restore purchases does not work, could you try the steps on this page? Hiya is not working on my Android
After you reinstall please try the restore purchases option again. This may seem obvious but please make sure you are signed into the Google account that you purchased the subscription with.
How do I cancel Premium?
You can cancel a subscription to Premium without uninstalling the app. Cancelling a subscription has to be done by the user through Google. You can find the instructions on Google's support page here.
Can I use Family Sharing for a Premium subscription?
Subscriptions are an in app purchase on the Android and don't work with Family sharing. Only one time purchases do. You can read more on Google's support page here: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/7007852