If Mr. Number is not working correctly in general there are a couple things you can try.
Please note that updating or uninstalling and reinstalling the Mr. Number app will download the new version of Mr. Number that is paid only. You can learn more here: What is Mr. Number Premium for iPhone?
Update the app in the App Store:
If you still have issues, try the steps below. (the fail-safe or install Hiya)
If you are on an older version of the iPhone operating system, you may not be able to update to the most recent version of the app. Please update the phone to a more recent version of iOS to update the app. We are only compatible with iOS 13 or above.
Do not force quit the app during everyday use.
Mr. Number needs to do updates periodically and if the app is forced closed in the middle of the update then blocking and your block list may not work. It is best to not force quit the app to ensure the app works properly. This is usually what happens when a blocked call rings through.
Incoming calls are looked up on a database of numbers downloaded and cached on the iPhone in order to block. This downloaded database is usually around 200,000 phone numbers. We are not able to include every suspected number in the downloaded list. Any number you manually block will also be on this downloaded database.
The key thing is that anytime you make a change or removal to the block list an update will have to happen.
The app will usually update automatically as long as you don't close the app. However, the iPhone does close apps on its own after a period of inactivity. It is usually good to open the app every 24 hours to ensure the update happens.
The fail-safe:
Consider the fail-safe the app version of calling IT Support and them asking if you restarted your computer.
If you are on the free version of Mr. Number you will want to install our app, Hiya, rather than using the steps below.
However, it’s important to note that when you uninstall the app, you will lose the numbers in your blocklist. I would suggest writing down the numbers in your blocklist or taking a screenshot before doing this step. With that said, use this as a last resort if you have an extensive blocklist and don't want to write them down or take a screenshot. (“Save Blocklist” functionality is a popular request and we are looking into it for future updates).
- Disable Mr. Number in Settings
- Force-quit Settings
- Uninstall Mr. Number
- Restart your device
- Reinstall Mr. Number
If you are a Premium subscriber you will need to go to the Premium tab. Then scroll down and tap on the option to "restore purchases" after you reinstall. This should bring the Premium subscription back into the app.
Install Hiya:
If you are having issues with the Mr. Number app I could suggest trying our other app called Hiya. It does the exact same thing as Mr. Number but gets updated and tested a little more frequently. We have many users that use both apps.
Click here to download Hiya!