If Mr. Number is not working correctly there are a couple things you can try.
Please note that updating or uninstalling and reinstalling the Mr. Number app will download the new version of Mr. Number that is paid only. You can learn more here: What is Mr. Number Premium for Android?
Update the App to the most recent version: If you are still having issues try the steps below. (Install Hiya or the fail-safe)
The fail-safe:
Consider the fail-safe the app version of calling IT Support and them asking if you restarted your computer.
However, it’s important to note that when you uninstall the app, you will lose the numbers in your blocklist. You should take a screenshot or write the block list down if possible.
- Uninstall Mr. Number
- Restart your device
- Reinstall Mr. Number
If you are a Premium subscriber, after you reinstall you will need to restore your subscription. In the our app go to the premium tab. Then scroll down and tap on the option to "restore subscription.”
Please click here to read through our Android FAQ if you are still having issues.
Install Hiya:
If you are having issues with the Mr. Number you could try our other app called Hiya. It does the exact same thing as Mr. Number but may work better on your phone. We have many users that use both apps. Be aware that if you have a Premium subscription to Mr. Number it will not transfer over to Hiya.
Click here to download Hiya